Is PostgreSQL 18 Released?

Days until PostgreSQL 18 is officially released

PostgreSQL 17 has been released on September 26, 2024

Meet PostgreSQL 18

  • Hash Right Semi Join Support
  • Temporal PRIMARY KEY and UNIQUE Constraints
  • Enhanced Relation Statistics Management
  • EXPLAIN (ANALYZE) Enhancements
  • Debug Mode in pgbench
  • pg_upgrade Optimizations

About PostgreSQL

You can check which version of PostgreSQL database server you are using by running the following command in your terminal:
SELECT version();
This will return a string containing the version of PostgreSQL you are running.

About PostgreSQL

PostgreSQL, also known as Postgres, is a free and open-source relational database management system (RDBMS) PostgreSQL is a very interesting example of an SQL-based relational database management system. This software was released by the highly prestigious and respected UCBerkeley in California. It was named Ingres, released in the 70s as a graphical solution to organize, store and present data. It was not until 1996 when the name changed to PostgreSQL, reflecting the commitment to support the widely used query language. The case of PostgreSQL is a very interesting one, because even with most similar software being oriented for enterprise solutions, like Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, etc. PostgreSQL is committed to offering free and open-source software for anyone to use. Of course, the almost infinite scalability factor that the other services provide is not done by PostgreSQL, but on the other hand, it appeals to many small developers or business owners that do not generate industrial amounts of data.

This software is a relational database management system (RDBMS), and it is used for very similar purposes to all of the other software of this kind. Its goal is to be able to warehouse amounts of data that can go from a few megabytes of ordered data to entire gigabytes of information. It does so in a way that when using queries from specific languages, the information can be retrieved, modified, and used in a way that leverages the power of data for decision-making or understanding a particular phenomenon. PostgreSQL has some applications in more academic data science investigations, which makes sense because it reduces costs compared to other paid software, and it is developed and maintained by people in academia.

PostgreSQL has the particular feature that it supports JSON, and also SQL languages. That means that one can store data and call it in a non-relational way and a relational manner. Therefore, most backgrounds and experience developers can query the data as they are accustomed to, gaining the full advantage of what claims to be "the most advanced data management system". Another feature of interest is that PostgreSQL, while not aimed exclusively at enterprise solutions, does have some tech companies that partially use them to warehouse data, such as Instagram or UBER in a smaller measure.


The first version of PostgreSQL itself was released in 1996, and it continues to be updated nowadays. We are currently in Version 13, released in May of 2021, and the beta for version 14 was released in the same month of the same year, so you can expect a full release of the version by maybe next year.